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Videoguides on Navyfield (english but no native english speaker) recommend Impeesa_Eu 2017-9-27 08:20 0914 Impeesa_Eu 2017-9-27 08:20
About how to play BB well. recommend v8v8v 2017-9-27 05:42 21045 austinpage 2017-9-27 08:16
FOR BEGINNERS ... every thing u need to know recommend mido 2017-9-27 04:47 01567 mido 2017-9-27 04:47
How to get your first BB, CV, SS fast (Beginner guide) recommend Impeesa_Eu 2017-9-27 03:51 01025 Impeesa_Eu 2017-9-27 03:51
Guide for captains who are new here recommend duke724 2017-9-27 01:04 0959 duke724 2017-9-27 01:04
Reactivar el mercado de compra y venta romelgar 2017-9-23 12:19 0700 romelgar 2017-9-23 12:19
where can I find the data for the ship size? whuvir888 2017-4-18 06:57 21564 whuvir888 2017-4-18 21:01
Ayuda con Cv novakiller 2017-4-16 00:09 21758 novakiller 2017-4-16 17:09
CV Tactics ChicagoBears 2017-4-13 10:21 01520 ChicagoBears 2017-4-13 10:21
Best way to class US pilots frijoles 2017-3-21 13:22 61572 EricIdle 2017-4-5 23:59
credits Goldwing 2017-2-8 22:46 01582 Goldwing 2017-2-8 22:46
AA golden angles Goldwing 2017-2-2 17:22 21284 Goldwing 2017-2-3 09:45
NavyFIELD Ship Examiner GenHex 2015-8-22 11:57 33031 blortpants 2017-1-30 09:24
Submarines, a new era of vulnerability! Watashi714 2016-12-14 19:05 51801 Watashi714 2016-12-19 18:59
Ultimate Escort Ship Guide recommend  ...23 TG_Salihreis 2014-1-11 11:29 219079 Naharaht 2016-11-22 21:33
Steering dpld11 2016-10-14 23:16 11263 Kraken73 2016-10-19 07:59
Ship tree reset!!! Watashi714 2016-10-13 19:04 21293 Watashi714 2016-10-14 17:41
hero fighter vs elite fighter  ...234 cnko 2015-1-1 12:15 266861 Nachtara 2016-10-2 13:01
CV6 requirements and the confusion that follows for someone who hasnt had one  ...2 WizardofOz 2014-10-13 23:01 93179 Ursus_Tr 2016-9-12 14:57
Sailor Calculator with all nations Cracko 2016-5-29 11:48 42860 sinkope14 2016-7-23 13:21
Sub R-mount guns zcx1 2016-1-21 06:05 41869 Hellester 2016-2-20 15:46
List of Commands players should know recommend  ...234 nyerkovic 2011-6-28 14:41 2625388 dpld11 2015-12-22 21:04
French and italian AA-Gunners merlot 2015-8-10 08:51 42323 Piombo 2015-9-20 11:58
US Fighters ferrari965 2015-5-10 14:33 42554 GrafSpiel 2015-8-15 00:10
l1 guns Galvatron666 2015-6-17 16:15 31640 ErwinJA 2015-8-8 22:27
Base Calculator Help  ...2 fromage 2014-2-4 06:25 103431 USN_Hornet 2015-7-14 04:13
Cv-guide  ...23456..9 Arcaniz 2014-12-5 20:46 6512011 Ord832 2015-7-6 08:17
All BB4 - 6 Max Gun range?  ...23 HKO2006 2015-6-13 08:25 236750 Aulo_Clausio 2015-6-30 07:27
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