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E01 今日: 0|主题: 1717|排名: 36 

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plane launches causing server loss? sgarchik 2013-6-13 10:31 2921 sgarchik 2013-6-13 11:24
Data file has corrupted ¿?¿?¿¿ MGPlobito 2013-6-13 08:30 1944 ikari92 2013-6-13 08:41
Fleet Tag issues again bigdrew 2013-6-12 17:01 21130 BigSlim 2013-6-12 18:38
Internal Error on ticket DeLtAsPaRES 2013-6-12 08:34 31355 cambsguy 2013-6-12 15:10
Connection problem kleiber8 2013-6-12 08:15 2946 mpsteidle11 2013-6-12 08:49
LOG IN SERVER IS DOWN! KamikazeKomi 2013-6-12 08:49 03878 KamikazeKomi 2013-6-12 08:49
Servers not allowing log in mods help wolfiebain 2013-6-11 07:41 53538 AlexCaboose 2013-6-11 10:45
BO sight range  ...2 JLDogg 2013-6-10 10:27 101703 wolfiebain 2013-6-11 07:46
Tuning item drop ?  ...2 redtails 2013-6-10 23:00 81631 Cobaltz 2013-6-11 01:29
LAGGY SERVER??? ALL PEOPLE WAS DISCONNECT AND ME TOO  ...234 david1537 2013-6-9 05:36 305370 david1537 2013-6-10 21:02
same old stuff missing everything Darmentle 2013-6-10 19:02 3993 megabstr 2013-6-10 20:52
Lost Data/ Ships/ Account Cmdr_Harlan 2013-6-6 21:43 51502 mako089 2013-6-10 00:29
long range mrbell 2013-6-9 08:26 11002 rocketeer1 2013-6-9 08:40
Where's that post at? Hellester 2013-6-8 23:44 1835 rocketeer1 2013-6-9 08:38
Whats this Error? gracy101 2013-6-9 05:36 11461 redtails 2013-6-9 05:49
my lost without all my old ships and sailors and expensive equipment. jll1125 2013-6-5 23:10 31225 cambsguy 2013-6-8 09:33
gunner probem blaino 2013-6-7 15:12 0775 blaino 2013-6-7 15:12
Can NavyField explain this?  ...2 JohnnyQuick 2013-6-6 07:09 121984 cambsguy 2013-6-7 13:27
vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets  ...2 Scufundatoru 2013-5-25 13:55 112259 Sabatur 2013-6-7 11:44
Can't make new MN ship Bru17 2013-6-7 06:53 2876 Bru17 2013-6-7 07:44
Navyfield RPT file GrimReaper99 2013-6-6 20:51 0967 GrimReaper99 2013-6-6 20:51
MODERATORS PLEASE skyartic 2013-6-5 23:30 1837 nyerkovic 2013-6-6 10:54
data file corrupt  ...2 BIGBADBILL 2013-6-5 01:47 122508 BSExodus 2013-6-5 13:42
Crashes in GB2 soulseeker4 2013-6-5 11:28 0942 soulseeker4 2013-6-5 11:28
How to install NF on a MAC?? NoExcuses 2013-6-4 15:45 21065 cambsguy 2013-6-5 07:43
What is the name of the old 2 servers ? skyartic 2013-6-4 18:49 2997 skyartic 2013-6-4 18:56
Where are my sailors?? skyartic 2013-6-4 17:53 2872 skyartic 2013-6-4 18:31
why or how or if can windows 8 operate at NF ? woodskier 2013-1-23 14:46 61861 Clixer 2013-6-4 09:56
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