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C03 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 41 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Proposal; 22nd May 2012  ...23456 ljsevern 2012-5-18 06:37 434656 ljsevern 2012-6-5 19:40
RM BB6 Gun Sprite Bl1nDFury 2012-6-3 17:40 11055 ljsevern 2012-6-3 18:12
Ultimate SS discussion review  ...23456..10 BBR_InsUW 2012-4-17 10:47 736761 ChicagoBears 2012-5-23 13:41
Scout Classing Patch: Bugs  ...23 ljsevern 2012-5-13 02:20 192090 Maistral 2012-5-23 12:50
Turning Force  ...23 tappo01 2012-5-12 11:53 161909 BlackProject 2012-5-22 10:12
Test Session 18/05/2012  ...2 ljsevern 2012-5-18 07:43 81235 ljsevern 2012-5-20 00:25
Test Server Patch 11/5/2012 - UPDATED  ...234 ljsevern 2012-5-12 06:54 253715 ljsevern 2012-5-18 07:44
RM gun fix  ...23456..7 richardphat 2012-4-5 22:34 495325 ReinforceII 2012-5-18 00:57
Update and Patch notes april 13  ...23456 mailman 2012-4-13 04:08 437085 ReinforceII 2012-5-12 22:41
CV Project - Update and Current Direction  ...23456..16 ljsevern 2012-4-10 00:40 12010704 Biter_Wylie 2012-5-10 07:14
anyone know about the Recon Pilot ability?  ...234 kam0222 2012-4-28 01:25 283718 Maistral 2012-5-4 04:30
Possible critical gun balancing problem ( for now)  ...23 danita 2012-4-20 01:19 182377 nyerkovic 2012-4-28 17:34
Dive bomber bugs and damage inconsistencies.  ...23456 Maistral 2012-4-14 23:44 454546 V2CxBongRipz 2012-4-25 21:43
BB5 balance  ...23456..14 tzzk0 2012-4-1 06:45 10810023 GrieferLord 2012-4-23 05:07
Italian ship torpedos and firepower damage sadikul 2012-4-19 01:59 1843 hispeedz99 2012-4-22 19:41
The Submarine Discussion Thread  ...23456..40 Foxhound31FM 2011-10-26 03:18 31725016 BBR_InsUW 2012-4-17 10:40
testserver reset later this week  ...2 mailman 2012-4-9 07:21 91701 GrieferLord 2012-4-14 11:14
Some more things to fix  ...2 yams42000 2012-4-9 12:03 141442 Tomm96 2012-4-13 14:14
A few updates on what's happening  ...23456 mailman 2012-4-7 01:11 405367 ljsevern 2012-4-13 11:49
Italy - Known issues and SDE's Stance  ...2345 mailman 2012-2-7 23:51 398273 hispeedz99 2012-4-13 10:13
Italian Scout space requirement = 300 on the regular servers!!! War5pite 2012-3-15 06:55 71484 replika30 2012-4-9 10:35
Torpedo Bombers (for future CV patch)  ...2 Maistral 2012-3-6 04:12 142595 straswa 2012-4-6 14:25
itlian T5 scout fix ashokacarrot 2012-4-4 16:21 0721 ashokacarrot 2012-4-4 16:21
Scouts  ...2 FalleNStaR 2012-4-3 11:55 9997 yams42000 2012-4-4 08:12
regarding guidelines update suggestion to MM hamann 2012-4-4 02:10 21057 maykel 2012-4-4 06:56
Torp Exp fix Ideas  ...23 nyerkovic 2012-3-27 07:56 233617 Vawlkus 2012-4-3 02:31
Next incoming changes  ...23 mailman 2012-3-28 01:17 182881 richardphat 2012-4-2 09:24
KM ebb1 dp change request  ...23 bobdadog 2011-12-29 09:02 202330 ljsevern 2012-4-2 04:08
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