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C03 今日: 0|主题: 507|排名: 41 

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IMPORTANT - new client and server switch  ...2 mailman 2012-2-14 03:54 101819 explosion93 2012-2-15 11:36
I'm having trouble.  ...2 mrbig4351 2012-2-13 04:12 111604 mrbig4351 2012-2-15 04:03
pending proposal - 14-02-2012 mailman 2012-2-14 11:51 3851 mailman 2012-2-15 01:59
more small bugs yams42000 2012-2-13 07:05 2739 yams42000 2012-2-14 07:01
fighters  ...23456..46 mailman 2011-11-19 13:48 36627764 FalleNStaR 2012-2-14 06:53
Patch notes (13 - 02 -2012)  ...23 mailman 2012-2-13 04:07 182069 mailman 2012-2-14 06:21
pending proposal (13-02-2012) **Work in progress** mailman 2012-2-13 04:32 2877 yams42000 2012-2-13 17:36
The testserver and italy  ...23 mailman 2012-1-23 07:03 175195 phillipM 2012-2-13 09:22
Italian CV/Aircraft Changes SiriusA 2012-2-11 11:34 4978 mailman 2012-2-13 05:59
Pending proposal 12-02-2012  ...2 mailman 2012-2-12 11:15 101317 mailman 2012-2-13 04:09
Caio Dulio vs Nebraska and Charlemagne Scorpion95 2012-2-12 13:16 61155 GrieferLord 2012-2-12 21:07
CVs have Gun Bugs! BarracudaSp 2012-2-12 18:33 0781 BarracudaSp 2012-2-12 18:33
Italian BB 5/6 Guns - Preliminary Suggestion  ...2 Rehor 2012-2-11 08:33 141885 ljsevern 2012-2-12 12:56
Any way to reset accounts like weekly? Ghettobuster 2012-2-11 22:48 2772 Ghettobuster 2012-2-12 11:54
Patch notes - 2012/02/09  ...2 mailman 2012-2-9 06:45 81568 mailman 2012-2-12 01:54
Italy Sailor Issues Tiddles72 2012-2-11 22:58 1980 Tiddles72 2012-2-11 22:59
12" Singles Range (Italian Range Test Thread) Peacewhisk 2012-2-11 15:23 0692 Peacewhisk 2012-2-11 15:23
Single 12" gun issue(not sure which topic to post gets its own) Viper01 2012-2-10 23:48 2860 Peacewhisk 2012-2-11 14:49
italy: BB tiers  ...23 mailman 2012-2-8 07:38 214968 Viper01 2012-2-11 11:05
Initial Impressions and bugs/issues Viper01 2012-2-11 10:58 02142 Viper01 2012-2-11 10:58
How does one get started in helping with balance and testing Peacewhisk 2012-2-11 02:20 0701 Peacewhisk 2012-2-11 02:20
Gunspace and number crunching thread angus725 2012-2-9 17:17 4947 ozzy0 2012-2-10 17:03
Resume Private Testing Rehor 2012-2-9 15:19 5876 AndrusN 2012-2-10 10:54
test server client ixixi 2012-2-10 05:05 1809 cambsguy 2012-2-10 06:38
RM Reference documents angus725 2012-2-9 19:11 01051 angus725 2012-2-9 19:11
Test Server patching....  ...2 sgtjojo 2012-2-8 17:47 131891 Rehor 2012-2-9 18:26
Test server DL Ghettobuster 2012-2-9 12:50 1733 nyerkovic 2012-2-9 13:08
Italian Patch  ...2 mailman 2012-2-8 02:06 133556 mailman 2012-2-9 07:55
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