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总置顶 隐藏置顶帖 打通全平台,苹果安卓、手机、平板通通可以玩海战!! attach_img TEAMFM01 2021-2-15 19:45 432440 dj4253276 2024-3-27 21:32
总置顶 隐藏置顶帖 舰队使命大海战2当前活跃玩家分布信息(2022年5月9日更新) attach_img  ...23456..12 teamfm03 2020-1-29 13:23 8937550 zhanshen88888 2023-6-4 07:52
隐藏置顶帖 无法更新启动游戏或崩溃的常见问题解决办法 attach_img lorejfx 2017-9-30 18:25 059598 liuxu1234 2020-5-9 20:47
隐藏置顶帖 出现游戏卡顿延迟掉线的初级诊断方法 attach_img 大雄 2017-12-4 22:28 043948 ginozhang 2020-4-30 22:56
隐藏置顶帖 舰队使命大海战2国际服务器规则及相关许可协议【20231112更新】 vinnson 2018-4-30 04:13 0136657 vinnson 2018-4-30 04:13
cannot run the game on win7 due to gameguard allanasmo 2018-5-11 13:45 11064 Karasuda 2018-5-14 05:24
Game always crashes Monsun 2018-5-10 19:38 01080 Monsun 2018-5-10 19:38
cant play 2nd battle without crash laith4man 2018-3-18 16:22 52093 techdome26 2018-4-22 09:18
Any fixes for this? Taylier 2018-3-3 11:18 11403 Dragon_Boats 2018-4-1 10:13
client crash-after the first battle LIKSER 2018-3-26 23:17 11165 Dragon_Boats 2018-4-1 10:10
crashed after 1st game greatnerjune 2018-3-31 11:48 11237 Dragon_Boats 2018-4-1 09:59
Graphical Bug without Steam MrClueLess 2017-12-4 13:23 21617 RodV 2018-3-3 16:04
BUG TRAP? WHAT DOES IT MEAN getlost05 2018-2-24 22:06 21344 getlost05 2018-2-24 23:34
Came back after long time missing alot of stuff (support ticket doesn't work) Sh1nigam1 2018-2-20 14:32 21318 Sh1nigam1 2018-2-20 20:59
APP update prepairing failure.Please contact the GM (& cant submit a ticket flaggelant 2018-2-17 14:35 01398 flaggelant 2018-2-17 14:35
Can´t deposite radio man.... reaptor 2018-2-7 10:43 11474 galashiguy 2018-2-8 09:31
Crash during entering 2nd battle room?  ...2 Cirgento 2017-12-29 17:38 82643 Noven0 2018-1-31 12:15
Windows 10  ...2345 MIKIEBOY666 2015-5-31 12:46 3514923 urEnemy 2018-1-27 22:04
No exp when winning a battle with 70k attack xaxaxa 2017-12-30 07:55 61711 xaxaxa 2018-1-13 06:31
Anyone elses tickets getting ignored? HEL_Master 2017-12-14 04:54 51373 IGC_REAPER 2018-1-13 04:06
New PATCH: Improve stability and minimize crash reaptor 2017-11-2 11:37 41549 Cianuro51 2017-12-3 09:56
Server Disconnection Issues americant 2017-11-22 15:08 21309 americant 2017-11-23 17:07
new patch, wrong version.... Catweazle_eu 2017-11-23 15:57 01556 Catweazle_eu 2017-11-23 15:57
Cannot find application exe file aodwildcat 2017-11-11 17:27 31368 aodwildcat 2017-11-19 00:10
Prem ship already purchased? Mojorisin81 2017-11-18 13:11 0989 Mojorisin81 2017-11-18 13:11
NF Crash issue Doriane 2017-11-12 06:52 01509 Doriane 2017-11-12 06:52
Please update your download client version. ciga8857 2017-9-29 17:20 11254 Bonifacy_ 2017-11-5 13:00
exe file missing Blazer16113 2017-10-23 17:41 31113 galashiguy 2017-10-24 09:43
Support tickets jhempjr 2017-10-17 16:47 31327 nipper2271 2017-10-18 10:29
Problem playing cocobizcoch 2017-10-13 13:02 31260 galashiguy 2017-10-16 11:42
Steam account BO level 50 Elite Sailor pack tikahu3 2017-10-8 07:34 41494 pandiwy 2017-10-11 21:49
missing purchased ships and sailor items. DragoFire 2017-10-8 22:48 1988 galashiguy 2017-10-10 14:53
No Ticket function JohnWShepard 2017-9-25 02:48 31173 JohnWShepard 2017-10-10 02:26
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